Saturday, May 3, 2008


Our next event the Animation BookLook to be held on Saturday May 17th from 1-6pm is in desperate need of volunteers. 30 volunteers would be great but right now we have 8. Current positions are:

  • BOOK BUDDY: Assisting the artists at their table.
  • STAFF: Assisting the general public and attendees.
  • LOUNGE AREA: Assisting the VIP Lounge and making sure their is always enough food and beverage available.
  • RUNNER: Helping information get from the tent to the gallery and vice versa.
In return all volunteers receive a free lunch along with early premiere acess to all books and merchandise available at the Animation Book Look and free entrance to any future CTN Networking Events along with guest memberships.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in helping us out at this "fun" event please have them contact Nicole Aguilar at or phone at (818) 728-0359 and tell her that the Creative Talent Network sent you. :-)

The price you pay for growth.....Thanks so much for your continued support.

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